
Tim joined the rowing team in the late Fall. That means he was just on time to get a few weeks on the water and found himself hooked. It was rough because there was no way he was going to make a boat for the last regatta of the Fall season but he stuck with it anyway - he was a wonderful coaches helper. 

After the last regatta we go into what we call holiday training. We move indoors to avoid the cold weather and the training becomes mostly light weightlifting, erg work and running on the indoor track. It's boring  and monotonous and exhausting but it really is necessary if you want to be a competitive squad in the Spring. 

Tim was in pretty good shape, like a lot of the squad at that point, but they had a real advantage over the poor guy. After one of our tougher weeks in December some of the guys came over to feast and hang out - we used the occasions for team building. Timmy kept falling asleep and I finally told to go in and get some shut eye in my room - No problem. 

When the guys all left they told me Timmy had come out by himself so no one bothered him - just left him to sleep. When I went into my room to check on him there he was - sound asleep - stark naked and beautiful.    



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