Sebastion's Folly

As a collegiate rowing coach I wore many hats. Coach, recruiter, Uncle, big brother... One of my favorite times of the year came in late August and early September. Because I was the coach of the novice squad I was always involved with younger guys - I would scour the campus hangouts - the field house, the gym, the student union building and the student activities center, essentially just a big gym for students not on official programs. 

I would go to varsity practice in the morning and then off to class and then, by mid day, I'd relax a little and then start my own workout. It was almost always based on the workout I was going to put my squad through that afternoon. 

I'd watch the boys watching me and, eventually, I'd start chatting with them. I looked for loners who could get themselves to workout, or try to - and who showed some interest in learning new techniques, new equipment - the indoor rowing machines (ergs) were a genuine mystery to most of these folks. 

I'd give them some basic instruction and find everything I could about them - you can determine pretty quickly if these kids are interested in anything you have to offer - the sport or the camaraderie of a team mate or even just someone who'll workout with you and chat a little.

It was cool - most of the guys wee 17 or 18 and away from home and looking for something, someone, they couldn't really define to themselves. I gave them that - I was a buddy and a coach - an authority figure that they got to know before ever thinking of joining the rowing team, usually, and that went a long way to making them comfortable. 

It seemed a little odd but I'd get my workout done and then I'd go down to the shower room and freshen up a little. A quick shower and a change of clothes into my coaching gear. Some of the boys I'd meet in the gym area might not have even been finished for the day but they'd come down to the lockers with me - chatting and asking questions and stuff. They strip down with me and shower and then have to change into their old workout clothes. "I guess I forgot my change of clothes." 

The ones that lingered, naked - or near naked - the longest were the ones that went right to the top of my recruitment list. I'd give them business cards and tell them to come down to the boat house and hang out - check out the team and see what you think of it. 

"After practice I, almost always, drop by the coffee shop at the edge (the edge of campus - everyone there new the student shopping center as "the edge") and toss back some coffee and chat with some of the rowers about how their doing, how the team is doing, stuff like that. Maybe you'd like to drop by then?"

"What? Like a date?" he asked with a giggle and a grin and his body shook, just right,  as if to acknowledge  he may have gone too far - he may have blown it - he may get hit.

"Ha! let's see how it goes then we'll decide if we call it a date or not." 

"Ha. ha, ha. Ok. But I'll try to stop by the boat house first but I'll definitely be at the coffee shop." 




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