
The first time I met him he was just the younger brother of one the guys on the team. He was on campus to checkout the sites and hangout with his older brother for the weekend and we turned it into a sort of recruiting weekend. 
James' brother wasn't gay but James certainly was. Being gay wasn't a requirement for joining the rowing club but it helped because most of the guys were gay and they tended to blow off steam in a sort of open way - they also tended to bond really well because of it. James' brother was a cool guy though - willing to experiment and try new things but he wasn't judgmental about things when he decided to go in another direction. 
So James was the first of what became many of my weekend recruitment fellows - he was cute - blond hair and pale, midwestern white skin, and eyes that looked right at you and never looked away. He was in good shape too. He'd used the erg at home but he'd never been in a boat until that weekend and he was a natural. 
I put him in a four, skulling, and the three rowers were pretty tight and the cox was a cool kid that could have moved on to varsity but asked to stay with us on the novice squad - it was an exception we could make - so they really knew how to make a new kid feel right at home. 

I started him out in the coaches launch and we watched the guys warm up a little and go through some drills. He watched me as much as he watched the boats. Then I had him strip his sweats off - he was wearing a tight pair of rowing shorts underneath - no underwear or jock - the lycra shorts showed off his cock and balls very nicely and he had a lot to show off. 
He transferred  from launch to shell easily. The boat the did a quick warm up and got familiar with each other and then we put them through their paces a little. It was a great challenge for him - I never would have pushed a guy like that but I knew his brother was a good rower and figured he would be too. Of course I had no idea he was going to be as good as he was. 
When they brought the boat back to the dock it was clear they were all happy with how the day had gone and I couldn't help but notice that his happiness resulted in a very healthy and hard dick. He helped pull the shell out of the water and carried it up to to its' cradle, in the boat house, like a pro. 

"Fitting right into things here James. You looked really great out there." I told him as we walked down the aisle towards my office. 
"Thank you. I'd like to think there's a lot of places here I might fit into." 
"Yes. I'd like to think so also." I looked over at him and saw him smile and he nodded his head to acknowledge his hard cock and mine as well. 
"Are we going to diner tonight? My brother said you might take me. To diner I mean."
"Yes. I'd like that a lot." 



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