
 Jackson was a freshman when we first met. He had been on campus for about a week after having attended a special summer session and he was given permission to stay on in student housing during the short break between the last summer session and the start of the Fall term. 

There was a hot tub in the student gym that few people knew about. The students weren't really into soaking in it anyway and the few coaches who knew about it usually didn't say anything to anyone about it - it was a sort of private/secret club. 

Anyway one day I was off my game a little and decided to hit the hot tub rather than to workout - there weren't usually any students in the gym at that time of year so there wouldn't be any missed recruitment opportunities. When I got there - there was Jackson. He was naked and gorgeous and he had a look, not exactly a smile but not entirely surprised, on his face that just called out "I've been waiting for you!" 

"Hello." He said without any hesitation.

"Hi. I'm used to finding anyone in here this time of day."

"I hope it's ok I'm here. I sort of found the place by mistake one day and I really love soaking hot water."

"Of course it is. It's not a private thing really. Just not many folks know it's back here."

"My names Jackson. You're the novice rowing coach aren't you? Coach Cooper? Right?"

"That's right. How'd you know that?" 

"A friend of mine pointed you out one day and told me I should look you up. He thinks I'd make a good rower if I gave it a chance."

"What do you think?"

"I think I'd like to. It looks like great fun and my friend swears I'll like it. He said I'd be perfect for the team." 

"Well we start in a few weeks but maybe we can get together, you and I, and do a tour and try a few things before that - see what you think." 

"I'd like that."

As we chatted I slipped into the hot tub with him. He wasn't shy about being naked, or bothered that I was naked also. We sat right next to each other - close enough that we easily heard the other talk - and his hand ran innocently over my thigh when he talked about how he'd like to try out for the team. 

I looked him over. As a good coach will do. A welcoming smile, a cute to handsome face and his hair was nice. His lips, almost feminine, were inviting. Nice shoulders and neck. His arms were thin but well structured, he had muscles, his chest was flat, nipples tiny, and his ribs were prominent. There was no belly to speak of and when he greeted me he'd stood up enough that I could see his hips and top of his butt were tiny, smooth and perfectly pale - no tan line on this fellow. 

The only real mystery left were the details of his butt and his groin - he was, almost surely, shaved bare and if the rest of his body was an indication his cock and balls would be a creamy delight to take in whenever we left the tub. 

We kept talking about school and rowing and the town that was new to him and he became more comfortable and animated as we went along. He would take my hands in his and say something funny or revealing or he would put them down on my knees. "Do you think I'd row or just drive the boats?"

"I don't know - that depends on how it goes and how hard you wanna work. Some boys do both." I smiled more at the wonder of how easily this boy was making headway into my mind.

"I'll work hard. I know most people look at me and they don't think I'll be a hard worker - they think I'm just some little fag boy - but I'm a hard worker if you'll give me a chance. Is that ok? That I said fag boy? I don't mind it when they call me that, even though I know they're being mean, I mean I am mostly, but I don't mean to mean when I say it. Did that make sense?"

"As much as it needed to anyway."

"Ha, ha, I like you. Thanks for being so nice."

"I can't imagine not being nice to you."

He stopped and caught his breath. Leaned back against the wall of tub and said. "I need a cool shower a meal." 

"You're in luck. I know just the place for both." 



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