Dear Coach Cooper...

 Dear Coach Cooper... The email began. 

A few years ago my big brother rowed his novice season with you and your crew. He always told me how much he loved it and he still talks about it to this day. He left the school after his first year - transferred to a larger University that offered him an academic scholarship but no rowing. 

Anyway he told me I should seek you out before deciding what school to go to after High School. He's taught me some basic stuff about rowing and training and he's always talking about all the times he used to go see you after practice, in your office and even at your home, and it sounds like the sort of thing I truly want to do also. 

I know you can't offer scholarships or anything like that but I'm enclosing my academic record here - I'm not a brainiac but I'm not dumb either 😺 I'm also listing my athletics here - our school doesn’t offer rowing and there aren't any clubs nearby - but we, my brother and I, have a boat we use during the summer on the lake so I have a little experience. He said it would probably be enough to get me a tryout. 

He also said that you liked your boys to have other skills and interests aside from rowing and I'm pretty sure I can do that - he said not to list them all here but I'll say I like coffee and I'm told you do too. 

If there's a chance you might be willing to give me a try - I'm told that there are long weekends you put aside for boys to tryout for the team - I'd really love to give it a shot. I've listed the days off I have for the remainder of my senior year - I'm not real clear on how all this works. 

Anyway I hope I haven't overstepped or anything and that we can meet in person sometime - I really dream of being on your squad. 

Thank you - James Hill

P.S. I've enclosed a photo of me too. I'm small but I'm determined and I can grow! 


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