
 William was a devoted rower. He was one of the fellows that connected with me on multiple levels also. He was an athlete, for sure, but he really loved the boats and the process of rowing - of working out and recovery and all. He had a way of physically and mentally connecting with the entire process. 

He knew I was good at massage and especially good at acupressure  points also. One day he came to me and said he had been especially sore. "It's been a crazy tough couple of weeks. I'm just feeling blasted - physically and emotionally I'm just feeling ruined right now." 

"I can help with that if you want."

"I do!" He smiled a little, a whence of pain on his face at the same time. "I mean I know some of the guys told me you could help." 

"I'll help. Come by my place tonight and we'll see what we can do." 

Eight o'clock sharp he was knocking on the door. He was always ready to go - even with the cooler weather already on us he was lightly dressed. A shirt, pants, no underwear as it turned out, dock shoes and no socks. I showed him inside and told to head into the study if he was ready to get started. 

"You wanna drink or anything?" 

"No thanks - I'm good."

"You can undress as much as you like. However you're comfortable - you know the drill right?" 


I glanced over and he was already naked. He laid out on the cushioned treatment table with the light shining on him from the other room. His pale white skin glowed with the light on it and his bare cock lay large, yet flaccid, between his thighs and on top of a tight bag of large testicles. 

The true delight for me was in observing his body while I slowly started manipulating it from the head and shoulders - the upper back and center back and then the lower back and buttocks. His legs and feet and then back up and then, eventually, slowly, almost lastly, I would start to work in the groin and buttocks area together. 

I relished how freely the boy let his cock swell and leak precum and his balls would draw up deep inside him. His breathing would shift and his conversation was dwindle slowly, slowly, slowly, to nothing more than a few moans and groans. 

All the boys I worked on there I never got them off, on purpose anyway, but there were a few that would loose control and shoot their loads and even with that they stayed calm and relaxed and allowed me to take care of the result. In Williams case his loads of cum were borrowed as lubricant to help my hands rub his crotch and belly and groin down a little as finishing touch to our treatment. 

"Don't think I'm gonna make it home tonight." He practically whispered. 

"No problem. You can stay here if you like." 

"Yes please. I'd like that very much."



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