Wet Wednesday
It had been an early Spring. Lots of sun and warm weather and since we had plenty of time before the first regatta we had an easy going practice week. Going over fundamentals and a little speed training and sitting up the boat and such. We started the day out in sunny, darn right, hot conditions and so most of the boys were stripped down to shirts and shorts. We warmed up quickly and went pretty far up river and that's where we were when we noticed that there was weather headed our way. We lined the boats up two to a row and sent them back towards the dock. "Make hast young man!" I laughed and sent the first two boats off and then the next two - the guys loved rowing fast and hard so everyone was still ok. About half way back we connected with the rain. It was a solid, cool, rain but not much wind - it was going slowly up the river soaking us. There was no wind - no lightening - just this soaking rain that had us all looking like we'd been swimming. As fast as th...