The Big Eight + Two (part 1)

The Big Eight +2










It took a couple of weeks before it all fell into place but when it did it was a thing of beauty for sure. I had been part of a four that melded really well when we were all first semester novice rowers - the coach put us together with a good coxswain and told us to "Make it happen!" 

We went on to have a great fall season, long head races,  and then the Spring season, short sprints, was really something. We used to row with the pack until about midway and then we'd start pulling away further and further ahead of them all. 

We were pretty notorious too - all five of us were poorly closeted gay boys - as long as we weren't too obvious about it in public no one cared much. We were roommates  and boat mates and we spent a lot of time together on and off the water. 

We weren't able to stay together beyond our novice season though - demands from the team for a strong eight took precedent so we we got filtered into a big boat but continued to have fun but it was never like that freshman/novice season again. 

I'd been coaching for a few years at a school that was very friendly to gay students so that was never a really big issue. In fact it usually worked in my favor. I recruited from the student population pretty much year round. The Rowing team board of directors and the coaches would all get back to town about a week before classes began - so we'd be there in the third week of August. There were some students there already because they would be getting in some summer classes trying to get ahead, or catch up, depending on the situation. The Student Union/Gym was what I liked to call a target rich environment when I was looking for boys. 

I stumbled on to the first four boys pretty easily. I specialized in chatting them up during workouts and then, if I was lucky, there was the shower room where everything went to another level. 

Charles was the first one to approach me. He'd seen me in the field house running the short track and working on the indoor rowing machine and he came over to my locker with his gym bag in hand. 
"Aren't you the novice rowing coach?" He asked as he checked the locker next to me. 
"Yes I am. I'm John Cooper. Are you interested in rowing?"
"Very much. I've seen you inside but I'm not real sure what all you're doing when you get on that rower."
"No problem - we can teach you that stuff pretty quickly. That's all mechanical stuff - the important part is on the boat itself."
"Never done that either." He said as he started undressing. he was in good shape but not muscular - flat belly, big legs, nice arms and a boyish face. He had a dick that was shaved smooth and was long and thick and complimented very nicely by a sack of balls I doubted anyone could ever have gotten into their mouth. 
'You mean been on a boat?" 
"Yup. None of it. Rowing, been on a boat, nothing really but I've heard the team was really good and friendly." 
"We are. We pride ourselves on that - all of that." I couldn't take my eyes off his gorgeous package. I felt my own growing quickly and we headed for the showers where he proved to be very much a take control sort of boy. A boat leader for sure. 

Next up was Eric. He was a pasty white, midwestern, boy with a nice big cock and a set of balls to match. His dark bush was an anomaly in those days - so many boys had started shaving themselves smooth by then he was a real find. Eric looked like a small guy but once you got to really know him you'd see where he was well built, lighter than Charles but probably more muscle and they were nicely outlined.  
I'd actually seen him in the gym earlier in the week and he and I chatted a little and agreed to meet up at the coffee shop on Wednesday evening during the off week. That was the day that Charles had shown me that he knew how to handle that big dick of his. 
I sat at my usual table at the coffee shop and luxuriated in the humming burn in my butt from Charles' performance. I had a full load of teen cum deep inside me and my own balls had been drained as well.
When Eric showed up he was in good spirits.
"My grades are good. I wont have any problem keeping them up here and I'll have plenty of time for school and for rowing." 
"I'm glad to hear that", I said looking up from my coffee cup, "it's all very time consuming - more than you might think." 
"I'm up for it." 
"I noticed that in the gym."
He blushed a little and slid up close to me and put his hand on my thigh. "I was afraid that might be a problem."
"No. That sort of thing is seldom a problem here." We shared a smile and a cup of coffee and I asked him if he needed a ride back to his dorm. 
"Or to your place. I mean if that works." He gave me that look that only a teenage boy can muster up - innocent and devilish at once. 
"I can do that. I can give you a ride." 

Liam was next. Thursday morning I went into the gym early and took advantage of the coaches hot tub. Eric was gifted with a nice long cock and stamina to match. So we'd been up late the night before. Liam was a little like Charles - a good looking boy with dirty blonde hair. He was big but not burly and his muscles were there but not well defined. His cock was as large in girth as it was in length - very impressive. His balls were huge. He trimmed his package tightly so you didn't miss much of it on first glance. We'd spied each other in the process of our workouts and chatted a little in our time between machines and such.

He came into the locker room and spotted me in the hot tub. "Coach Cooper. Can I join you for a moment?"
"Yes, of course, come on in."I was tired but wasn't going to skip an opportunity to get up close and naked with this prime specimen. I stood up enough to make sure he knew I was naked in the tub and he was quick to strip down and jump in next to me.
"I wanted to talk with you again about joining crew. Do you think I might be what you're looking for there?" We sat right next to each other. Our legs were touching from butt cheek to knee and neither of us flinched.
"I know you're just what we need. I'm already starting to see the beginning  of a really good four man boat and maybe more." I rested my hand on his thigh and he reached over and pulled it to his cock and let me fondle it and his balls. He was already hard as a rock. "You should plan on coming by the boathouse this weekend. We're going to have an open house on Saturday and maybe we can get you out on a boat.
"I'd love that!" He said as he started to breathe a little deeper and quicker. I probably should have stopped but I decided to hell with it. I finished him off right there in the hot tub. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and stood up. He was dripping water and cum and looked marvelous. "I gotta get my workout done. I'll see you Saturday."
"If not sooner."

Noah was the fourth boy I found. I'd seen him around and we talked a little in the library. I'd been putting up a poster recruiting for novice crew and he seemed interested in it so we chatted about it and he said he'd get back to me. 

We met for lunch in the Union that Thursday afternoon and he was pretty certain he wanted to give it try. "I've rowed a little during the summer at camp but I know it isn't the same."
"Well it's more than a lot of the guys have when they first get here."
"Well then I'd like to try out. One of my friends tells me that I have a lot in common with you and a lot of the guys on the team."
"Really? Do you think you know what he means by that?" My groin was already tingling in anticipation. "I think I do."
Even with his clothes on I could see that his body was a lot like Erics body. Fairly tall and lean and he was another pasty white local boy. We sat next to each other at a small table and I could smell the musky scent of him almost from the start of lunch. We ended up in the bathroom after we were done and he pulled his pants down to reveal a nice cock and a big sack of balls. His bush was dark but well trimmed and he still had a sweet taste to him that I enjoyed. 

Oliver was a second semester freshman but was going to be a first semester novice so he still worked for my plan. He was a rower - he was going to be a coxswain but I still felt I could get him rowing if we needed an extra boy in a seat. He was a small rower but a big cox but we already had a really big four in mind so I tracked him down and asked to come to the gym that Thursday afternoon. 

He and I had already worked out a few times. I'd met him the Spring semester before but he couldn't work time for crew into his routine but he had put together a good schedule for this Fall. "I have a boat forming," I told him, "a really good four and depending on what shows up next week we could have a really good looking eight. Are you up for it still?" 

"Well sort of yes." He looked down at the ground and shuffled his feet. 
"What do you mean? Why sort of." 

He shook his head a little and his long hair shifted around. He undid his jeans and pulled them down to reveal his cock had been shaved smooth and caged. 

"Well now - that's a development." 
"Yes. My brother has my key and I have his. It's just a thing we decided to do. He was very jealous of my fucking around last semester so he insisted." 
"That's really sort of hot." 
"Well I told you we kinda own each other right? I just thought he'd be cool with my being with other guys but he wasn't."
"Can you still bottom?" 
"Yes. We can both bottom but we can't top anyone." 
"Then you know what to do."

He hadn't lost any talents over the summer. 




Chriss said…
sehr Sinnlich und erregend zugleich
Chriss - Thank you - This is my goal - I'll be putting another part up in the next few days.

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